If you have ever gone to the store to purchase your favorite music artist’s latest retail album release only to find out that you like about 3-4 songs on the entire project, you will be very disappointed. You would feel that not only did you waste your hard earned money on buying it, but also any gas money or bus fare you used to get to the store. Here is something that will help you save your hard earned money and spend it on something worth it, mixtapes! The compilations are put together by professional DJs and they only release the newest and hottest music. Most of the time, these musical projects are free to download in today’s digital age of music. Everyone knows what an MP3 is and most, if not all of these products can be downloaded in that format.
The best thing about these compilations are the DJs. They release compilations containing some of the best music available. These DJs are able to get their hands on music first as many of them work directly with the music artists or with the record labels. Many record companies will use mixtapes to release a few tracks of their recording artists to the public with little to no cost. This helps them to determine which will be the best track to release to the public as a single. They can also use this to gauge what type of feedback they are receiving about certain artists.
DJs release various types of projects to the public. The different genres are hip hop, r&b, party, reggae, blend, southern, and others. Any one of these will help set the mood for any situation. Most contain music from many different artists, so you will almost never get tired of hearing the same type of music. These DJs pick out the best tracks from many artists, so you will not be disappointed in purchasing an album that has only 3-4 tracks that you like. Some of these drops are actually better than an artist’s retail album. Since most of these releases are free, you have nothing to lose! At most, maybe a small amount of listening time or memory on your mp3 listening device.
There are many places you can find mixtapes, but the best place is the internet. Most websites offer them for free download, but be careful which website you go to as most of these will load your computer with unwanted ads. This is how they make money, by showing you ads that you have no interest in. There are a few mixtape websites that do not cram your computer screen with ads. These are the best websites to download from.